**** General (ret) Gene Renuart
“ Hats off to dpiX team for their generosity, focus, and hard work!. They know how to make a difference….. Donations of masks and accelerated production is amazing!! Proud of ya!”
Stan VanderWerf (County Commissioner)
“Frank, please thank the dpiX team for their efforts to help the nation fight our latest crisis! I am grateful! County Commissioner Stan VanderWerf”
Sunny Sanyal (CEO Varex/Board dpiX)
“Thank you and immense regards to an awesome team that never fails to deliver with exceptional quality…! Keep up the great work dpiX. Everything you do touches peoples lives”
Jean-Jacques Guittard (CEO Thales Electronics/Board dpiX)
“Thumbs up” (Emoji)
Marc Schaepkens (GM X-ray Detectors at GE)
“Thumbs up” (Emoji)